El Salvador

Join us over February vacation week for the annual missions trip to El Salvador! Details for the 2023 trip will be released soon.

Young Life has had a relationship with the Bajo Lempa region for over 15 ​ years. Our primary focus on this trip is to build relationships with the local communities, but we will also be doing work projects, running a medical clinic (we are bringing doctors and nurses with us), and running Young Life clubs in the various communities. ​ It is so important that during these crazy times we remain consistent with our love and care and support of these communities that we visit.

Over the past few years this trip has provided two new wells for clean drinking water, bikes and trucks for transportation, medical and school supplies, new homes and nutritional green houses as well as a new Young Life ministry for kids in El Salvador! We are looking forward to continuing to providing some of these things for our towns of Los Naranjos, Puerto Nuevo and La Pita. The scope of this trip goes well beyond what we have to offer the people of Los Naranjos. Our team will experience first-hand what living in a third-world community is like.



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